2014年1月27日 星期一

Please imagine "what would our master do?" when things happened.

Issue Kalimah "Allah" in Malaysia, Christian pls imagine "what would Jesus Do??" first.

   There is always some conflicts happened between religions in my beloved Malaysia.
The hotest issue recently must be the "Prohibition from using the word Allah in Malay version Bible" between some local Muslim and Christian.
Anyway, even within local Muslim communities, there are different voices too. Some said "be my guess, Allah for all", some said it is "prohibited, Allah is only for Islam."

  Sepatutnya, masalah ni betul-betul tak ganggu saya kerana dua-dua bible saya berbahasa Cina dan Inggeris.

  But i'm thinking what behaviour should we stand when facing this kind of issue as a Jesus Follower? I think we should always imagine what whould our master do when facing the same situationn....

Even when someone want to burn the book to show his anger, what would our master do?

Because the Jesus that we know,
Even when someone threatening his life......
  That is the Jesus I know, so not to mention a word or a book. This is the only way to bring peace to my beloved country.
But if we are talking about Constitution and law stuff, ni memang cerita lain pula.

