2014年2月13日 星期四

Are we really fight for human rights? for all or only for our own......





  It is so fake when we only fight for the rights and people who have the same skin color with us and claim it is fight for justice and human rights. This is just the nature of all species not the real social activist who fight for all human rights.

  Kalau sampai hari ini, sebagai seorang Malaysian, kita masih hantar mesej seperti "Malay pernah mempertahankan hak2 melayu" "Chinese have to fight for Chinese rights." Kalau mesej ini diajar melalui sekolah, I call it  "pendidikan yang palsu." . But if you fight for minorities rights and vulnerable group regardless their blood connection with you, then I will call you a real fighter of justice and human rights.
Kalau bukan, saya rasa mother Teresa dah cukup kelayakan jadi tuhan.

  This is the JUSTICE what we got in our beloved country now......Most ppl fight for human rights "WHICH only related with them"
Kalau kawan tak cukup ramai, anak tak cukup pandai......I think you have to eat your own....

  Tak tau sampai bila baru kita boleh faham, "Fight for your own right is not hero behavior.....it is just human nature." Sampai bila baru kita boleh nampak "Chinese fight for poverty issue among Malay in rural area", "Malayu fight for Indian rights" and "Indian fight for Chinese rights"....or "Muslim fight for Christian rights and Christian fight for Muslim rights" either.
   Harap satu hari yang akan datang, kita semua akan faham apa tu tingkah laku pahlawan yang sebenar.
Bukanlah pahlawan yang hanya berkoban demi anak sendiri tapi juga anak orang lain, like this ~~

Then we will see a better Malaysia. ROCK

